Classroom Management and Organization

More "New" Lesson Plan Ideas

Okay so this is a unit plan idea I put together after learning about how we are shifting to common core. It seems as though it will be more unit teaching than small minilessons throughout reading. Let me know how you like it???


Lesson Planning

So I probably am a crazy person about lesson planning. I have tried several different templates and ways of writing my lessons. I remember being in college and writing lesson plans out sooooooooo long! Then I was like, there is NO WAY I'm doing that when I teach. So I started writing in the lesson plan book given out by the school. I was finding that I had way more to describe than a 3 inch by 3 inch box could offer me and my students. So I started writing them out...and long. I wanted to show competency and what I was teaching. I wanted evidence of what I was doing. So I have two lesson plan formats here. One is what I have been using all year and the next is one I will try out for next year. Who knows if it will work?

Weekly Outlook Page for front of Lesson Plan

With this format you have 5 pages. One for each subject area. Each page is for one day of teaching so you will have to print it off 5 times. Friday's I really don't have a lesson plan for reading because it is test day.

This lesson plan has 5 pages as well. However each page has 5 days worth of teaching plans; therefore you only need to print off what is on it.

I had to have an accommodations page. I am ESOL certified and must include my strategies for teaching. I also could have ESE students and I definitely have above grade level students. I had to add this page!
This sheet is extremely helpful in planning for a unit or quarter of teaching. 


Money for School

Found this idea from I changed it up a little for my liking though.

I'm going to put these on label paper and make a ton of plastic bags with them. I will probably send some home like 5 or 6 and then keep a bunch extra and send them when we have field trips or are ordering things.

Here is the pdf which is all mine: Ms. Stepan's Money

Here is a word document that you can change to your liking: Format for Microsoft Word

Graded Paper Folders

If you are a new teacher this is very helpful. I learned during internship about sending papers home. You start to wonder what do I keep, send home, throw away...? Well I keep all papers for the entire 9 weeks if they have been graded. Also, I don't send home any writing at all unless it has been copied. My rationale for keeping the papers is if that student is struggling and I need documentation. You can either show with the papers that the student is struggling or if they are doing well but not testing well. There are many reasons obviously. But going on, I send home graded papers every Tuesday and ask that they be returned no later than Friday. All of the kids have red graded papers folder. You could do any color as long as it isn't the same color as their other folders. The kids get some kind of treat or a gold slip for returning them. I made the document and it includes the date, how many papers are in the folder, how behavior has been that week, my intials and comments, and parent initials/comments. I have found it very helpful using this system. At the end of the nine weeks I send home all papers except cold reads and quarter exams.



Classroom management as we all know is very important. Coming in as a new teacher I thought I really wouldn't have to worry about "managing" my kids. Oh boy, I was really mistaken there. Management is several things I learned. It is having procedures, rules, discipline, rewards, and much more. I mean you have to really teach your kids a system and you have to stay true to it, which I will try to do better this year. Remember, always have to work on things.

First thing I wanted to share was a 9 week incentive party that my team teacher and I implemented this year. Actually, we didn't start it until the second 9 weeks. I got the idea from the wonderful intern teacher I had. Love her! Anyways how it works is the students earn an item for the party each week. Each party is themed:

2nd 9 weeks: Polar Express Party (Earn popcorn, pillow, cocoa, goodie bag, movie, bag for popcorn, candy cane, pj's, and craft)

3rd 9 weeks: Ice Cream Party (Principal joined) (Topping, Topping, Topping, 1st Scoop, 2nd scoop, cup, spoon, cherry, whip cream)

4th 9 weeks: Luau (my favorite!) (Smoothie, cup, raffle tickets, bring a game to school, goodie bag, water games, and more that I forget now...)
I mean you can really do whatever theme you want and add whatever you want. You probably see that if they are going to get a smoothie they must earn the cup too. We liked this idea because they have to work for getting everything they want and NEED.

The students get a large chart that shows all of the things they can earn for the party. We let them choose each week what they wanted if they didn't get a red slip. If they did get a red slip, at the end of the week they Xed out what they didn't want. Unfortunately my team teacher made the charts but I have two charts that keep track of the whole class and I can add those on here. I also have a luau letter. The luau was great because it was the end of the year and we had nothing to do, so we made it a whole day party with limbo and music.

Polar Express Chart

Ice Cream Chart

Luau Letter

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